Measuring Impact

Quantifying & Qualifying Results

Data doesn't lie. And neither do results. The information below demonstrates the impact of my full-time work at the Society of Gynecologic Oncology and Foundation for Women's Cancer.

By analyzing key metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions, I've been able to quantify the success of my social media campaigns and communication initiatives. Additionally, qualitative data, including community or audience feedback and sentiment analysis, has provided insights into the effectiveness of my messaging strategies and the resonance of my content.

Year Two: Tangible Outcomes


Field Experts Interviewed and Highlighted


Patient Impact Stories Shared


Email Subscribers with a 47% Email Open Rate

Evolving Key Performance Indicators

Organizational Changes

SGO and FWC usher in new volunteer leadership annually, which naturally means constantly shifting priorities. The most recent theme is “Multiply Your Impact.” In my role, this has translated to more outreach to amplify the voices of our community.

Campaign Adaptations

In year one, we introduced 55 awareness campaigns to acknowledge the diversity within our community and potentially introduce new audiences that could relate to our content. In year two, we had a clearer understanding of how our audience responded to these campaigns and could better tailor our content to what we felt our audience would engage with most.

Evidence-Based Approach

We are constantly reviewing literature, such as abstract presentations from our Annual Meeting, that provides expert insights and research that our audience could benefit from knowing. We deconstruct this extensive research into bite-sized pieces that our audience can better understand.

Year One: The Numbers


Peak Number of Followers on a Single Account


Number of Accounts Managed


Awareness Campaigns Acknowledged

Follower Acquisition

September 2022-April 2024

By analyzing audience growth metrics, we aim to gain insights into the effectiveness of our marketing efforts that focus on opportunities to build community and introduce gynecologic cancer awareness and education through meaningful campaigns. Over my career at this organization, my strategy across platforms has introduced to our brand a combined


new followers.

Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) Follower Growth

Foundation for Women’s Cancer Follower Growth

Real People. Real Results.

There was an ever so glowing and flattering and complimentary article of what I had shared. I scarcely recognized myself. Needless to say, I forwarded it to every single person I’ve ever met—somewhat an exaggeration. I really am very honored and pleased. Whether in person or on the phone/electronically, please know I’m delighted to stay in touch. Many thanks for making me a superstar!

Wendy | Community Member

Thank you for reaching out to me and putting my story out there! I am so dedicated to reaching as many women as possible to tell my story and encouraging them to seek knowledge from their healthcare teams. I feel so honored to give back anyway I can. You and your team really touched my heart.

Jann | Community Member

Year One Social Media Report

Foundation for Women’s Cancer