Kayla Nixon

I am a Black, female creative based in Richmond, Virginia. I am a champion of public health and committed to the passionate pursuit of health equity. I lend my voice to brands and initiatives that dismantle systemic barriers to create a healthier world for everyone, but particularly marginalized groups.

Let’s talk skills, shall we? Here is how I would describe myself:

I’m a fast learner.

Public health is constantly evolving with new research, policies, and technologies. I’m flexible and quickly adapt to the changing landscape by staying informed of the latest developments.

I’m naturally curious.

The right questions get you the right answers. I want to be able to identify emerging health issues, understand the root causes of health disparities, and develop innovative solutions that get messaging to those that need it most.

I’m self-motivated.

All you need to know is that I get it done.

I’m highly intuitive.

There are many things you can do by the book, but effective communication is often about a willingness to give what the moment requires. I do the research and learn the facts, yes, but I am also known to work instinctively and make predictions based on what I know to be true in the moment.

I’m authentic.

I value transparency and don't mind being the one to say the thing others aren’t comfortable saying. You could call it disruptive. I validate the full spectrum of human emotions, because I understand that every feeling is not meant to feel good but rather is meant to navigate us to truth.

As a versatile communicator, I have a proven track record of success across multiple areas, with a particular passion for brand architecture, content creation, and strategic communication planning.

When it comes to public health, I like to say:

We don't need anymore short-lived diversity initiatives—we need longterm humanitarian solutions.

p.s. In my personal time, I love to travel, I’ve grown to be an excellent gardener, I enjoy cooking, and I cherish time with my family.

Core Competencies

Creative Writing

I connect words with the purpose of making people feel something.

Internal Communications

I construct communications processes that improve daily work flow for myself and others.

Content Development

I generate marketing collateral in many forms that communicates the essence of a brand.


  • Master of Science in Elementary Education

    Concentration: Teaching and Learning

    Overall GPA: 3.54

    Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies (Teacher Preparation)

    Concentration: Primary/Elementary Education

    Honors Diploma: Overall GPA, 3.43

  • Major: Visual Arts

    Coursework: Graphic Design, Photography, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture

Professional Development